Entering the era of digitalization, Information Technology (IT) has an important role in the business world. This is because IT has many functions and roles for companies that are all digital. As a result, IT Managed Operation service providers are increasingly mushrooming.
The emergence of Managed Service IT Operation service providers is not without reason, they can help companies in managing their IT department. Later, it is the Managed Service IT Operation service provider who will be responsible for part or all of the IT operations, according to the applicable agreement.
Where almost all companies are still implementing work from home policies in accordance with government regulations. So often companies have difficulty in finding professional IT candidates who fit the company's operational needs.
Starting from making job advertisements, interview processes and having to do training which takes a long time.
Telkomsigma as a service provider in the field of Information and Communication Telecommunications (ICT) has a solution that can help these needs. One of our Managed Services that can support your company's operational activities is IT Operation Services.
Where by using IT Operation Services, we can provide the necessary IT support in the field (onsite support) or remotely (remote support). In addition, you can also customize your company's IT operational needs such as support for network management, internet, Wi-Fi, servers, bandwidth settings, various hardware settings including monitoring, troubleshooting and reporting.
By using Telkomsigma IT Operation Services services, your company will get many benefits such as labor cost efficiency, reduced operational costs, technical support from IT professionals, helpdesk support and customer service that is ready to serve customer needs 24/7/365. So that during this pandemic your company can focus more on business.
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