Is transparent tape insulating?

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Products made by wholesalers of transparent tape can be used in many industries. Generally speaking

Products made by wholesalers of transparent tape can be used in many industries. Generally speaking, for safety reasons, they are not allowed to be mixed. Especially for products such as wires, many people will ask, "Is tape not insulated?".

Transparent tape has no insulation at all, and even has good conductivity. Not only can it not play a good use effect, it may also lead to greater hidden dangers. If transparent tape is used to wrap the exposed parts of the zero and zero wires and is accidentally glued together, it may also cause short circuit and fire, which may burn lines and electrical equipment, or burn houses, with unimaginable consequences. Do not use scotch tape to stick wires. Instead, use professional insulating tape to stick, but pay attention to safety during operation. It is better to turn off the power supply and switch before operation to avoid accidents. It needs to be placed in a suitable environment, which plays a very good role in extending the life of the product, saving us a lot of costs and bringing great benefits.

In fact, when we place the tape, it needs to be placed between 15~38 ℃, which is not easy to cause residual glue, and relatively speaking, it is better to approach the low-temperature part. The storage environment will cause the aging of the transparent tape, such as oxygen, ultraviolet light (sunlight), metal, especially brass or rust, bleach, plasticizer and other environments, which will cause the tape to deteriorate, soften, solidify and lose its viscosity under long-term influence. Select appropriate service life, storage environment and conditions, packaging specifications, etc. according to the type of transparent tape.

