What to expect from early gender reveal testing

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Understandably, many expectant parents are eager to learn more about their baby, especially its gender. Although they are often left to wait anxiously for months before an ultrasound finally reveals it.

But what if expectant parents didn't have to wait?


With early gender testing like Peekaboo, you can find out your baby's gender as early as seven weeks pregnant – up to 13 weeks earlier than traditional methods like ultrasound!


Read on to find out what to expect from the Peekaboo Early Gender Reveal Testing.



Pregnant woman

Peekaboo uses advanced DNA technology to efficiently and accurately determine the gender of your baby.


In this early gender reveal testing, fetal cell-free DNA is extracted from a small blood sample by carefully trained laboratory technicians. low testosterone The sample is then subjected to sex chromosome analysis, which identifies the presence or absence of a male Y chromosome in the fetal DNA – its presence means the baby is a boy and its absence means the baby is a girl. Finally, the sample and results are reviewed by two in-house specialists to ensure the accuracy of the results.


This methodology and advanced technology allows Peekaboo to determine your baby's gender with 99.5% accuracy, making it the most accurate test available - which is why it's the only early gender test approved by the American Pregnancy Association!



How the test is administered



Woman pricking her finger for early gender reveal testing


Peekaboo Pro Early Gender Reveal Testing is a simple procedure that will give you results in one to two business days!


With Peekaboo Pro, a healthcare professional takes a small sample of the expectant mother's blood by pricking her finger and sends it to a laboratory for analysis.


While there is a home collection option, it requires you to draw your own blood, which can be an uncomfortable experience for someone untrained. You also run the risk of your sample being contaminated with male DNA, which can skew the test results.


By being administered by a healthcare professional, the Peekaboo Pro test reduces the risk of potential contamination and ensures the most accurate results possible – all while maintaining the mother-to-be's comfort.

